

YAAZ, Turkish company specialized in the design and creation of outdoor elements, takes part in Milano Design Week for the first time with its new collections of outdoor furnishing, designed by the artistic directors of Angeletti Ruzza.

YAAZ has this mission: to seek beauty!

Although we know it may seem irrational, that beauty is uncatchable, we want to do this: to create beauty. 

Getting excited and then excite, have fun to bring joy and lightness in people's lives; because today, more than ever, we need objects simple and beautiful. 

They are not salvific but somehow they are essential. 

It is basic for us that objects emanate positivity, that the hands are connected directly to the heart as they move looking for a new shape.

We need quality and poetry. 

To create atmospheres that regenerates, that smells good, that is relaxing and welcoming at first glance.

Our every thought, dialogue and concrete fact will be focused on creating value.

About bringing something good into the world.